As a Legacy Circle member, you have made a lasting commitment to preserve the open space and natural habitat of our area.

A generous group of community members have already made this commitment for the benefit of future generations.


You automatically join our Legacy Circle if:

  • You leave a gift to DLC in your will, life insurance policy or other financial instrument
  • You let us know of your intention

Legacy Circle benefits include:

  • Unique Identifying Pin
  • Special Events

Legacy Members Speak Out

“I’ve always found peace by getting out in the fresh air, open spaces and places where the loudest sound was the wind whispering through the leaves and pine needles. It calms my mind, eases my anxiety and soothes my soul. In Douglas County a primary contributorto creating such spaces where this can happen is the Douglas Land Conservancy. I’m happy to lend my support to make sure DLC can continue fulfilling its mission for years to come.”

– Rich Bangs

“Douglas Land Conservancy’s promise to fulfill its conservation mission in perpetuity is powerful. As natural landscapes and habitats continue to shrink, it is more important than ever that DLC remains strong to defend currently protected places and find opportunities to protect additional lands. I am honored to include DLC in my estate plans, helping ensure that DLC has critical resources needed for years to come. Generations far in the future will look back with gratitude to the commitments we make now.”

– Alan Clarke

“I am proud to be part of the Douglas Land Conservancy Legacy Circle. DLC has proven to be a well run organization with a mission that I can support. When I considered making a Legacy Gift to DLC it became a very easy decision. Protecting and stewarding our land is so important to me. I can’t imagine not having places to enjoy nature, witness God’s creation and all the gifts he has provided. Ourland supports us in so many ways. I am humbled to help DLC protect and steward our land with a gift that lasts forever.”

– Cindy Harlan

“The topography of Douglas County is unique along the fast growing front range of Colorado. I believe the uniqueness and beauty needs to be preserved for the enjoyment and use of future generations. If we do not commit to this preservation now, nobody else will do so and this will be lost forever. ”

– Mel Sorensen

Reach Out to us for More Information!