Douglas Land Conservancy, or DLC, was formed in 1987 through a citizen initiative in response to alarming regional growth rates that far outpaced the rest of the country.

DLC works in partnership with land owners, local governments, other conservation organizations and citizens to evaluate, accept and monitor conservation easements. These easements protect large tracts of open space from development for perpetuity. DLC has permanently preserved 28,027 acres of open space in Douglas, Elbert and Jefferson County. DLC is Nationally Accredited by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission and is a certified Land Trust in the State of Colorado.

Our Mission

Douglas Land Conservancy (DLC) is a nonpolitical, nonprofit land trust dedicated to the protection and conservation of the natural character, habitats, ecosystems, and open space of Douglas County and other areas along the Front Range region of Colorado.

Our Vision

Through land conserved and stewarded, we envision an empowered community connected to nature for the benefit of all, forever.


Douglas Land Conservancy Staff and Board operate with a set of core values. 

1. Our foundational commitment is to protect and steward conservation values beneficial to ecosystems and people.

2. We enhance quality of life, conservation awareness and nature connection by fostering local partnerships, sharing knowledge and building community.

3. We practice responsible stewardship of ecological, financial and community resources in perpetuity.

4. We are passionate about our mission and our commitment to the future.