A true circle of conservationists! Pictured from left to right: Jane and Steve Boand, Alan Clarke, Mel Sorensen, Cindy Harlan
On August 19, 2022, DLC’s Legacy Circle held its inaugural annual get-together at Sandstone Ranchon a perfect August day. Members of the Legacy Circle gathered in the picnic area at “Club Med” to enjoy a box lunch and share personal stories about how they became aware of Douglas Land Conservancy and why it continues to be important to them. The discussion provided an enjoyable opportunity to get to know each other better and reaffirm our commitments to DLC, while immersed in the sights, sounds and fragrances of a beautiful spot in the forest.
The Legacy Circle was established to encourage supporters of DLC to provide critical financial resources to specifically focus on, not the day-to-day needs of DLC, but securing the long-term financial strength of the organization. By designating a portion of our estates to DLC, we are pledging resources to secure the future of DLC in perpetuity. And we are creating a legacy to ensure future generations will be able to enjoy the open spaces, as we have, and the plants and animals will have places to call home. For more information, check out the page on the DLC website or talk to DLC staff or a Board member.